Sunday 12 February 2012


How's your weekend been? What have you been up to?

This weekend was George's weekend to go to his dads so Mr Bird and I made the most of grown up/no child time.

herbs in a planter in the garden...using iPhone apps

Yesterday involved a delicious ladies-what-lunch meal at the Copper Dragon's Mum's birthday on Monday (the big SIX FIVE & I'm sure she'll be delighted about me sharing that hahaha) as well as cousin Jo's birthday on the 20th. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, we Center Parcs* gals all got together for chats and food, pressie giving and celebrating. As usual, the food was totally perfect...there were so many oohs and ahhhs over the desserts, is was almost obscene!

some of the Center Parc lovelies

Back home, rugby watching, reading the papers on the sofa and then a bit of gentle persuasion (a swift kick) and the Mister and I set off out in the cold for a brisk walk to the train station. A short train ride & another brisk walk later and we were in The Narrow Boat in Skipton for some oh so tasty Mary Jane ale. Yum. A couple more in the Woolly Sheep in an ever so cosy corner, and we were ready for fodder. Cue a very tasty curry in Mastabs with great service & we were home & snooze bound. Perfect.

our cosy corner in The Woolly Sheep

Today has seen the longest lie in ever, a pampering bubble bath, playing about with iPhone photo apps, reading the Sunday mags, scoffing a Subway butty that Mr Bird brought home for me (thank you fella!) and some quality (and why? free) time up in my studio/work room.

A bit of painting and a super cheesy film were the perfect thing for this Sunday afternoon...Battle: Los Angeles (yes really) and a Puddle Jumping door plaque later and here I am, typing up my ramblings before I head downstairs for more food, a glass of wine and (hopefully) The Lincoln Lawyer & a sofa snuggle.

I hope your weekend has been exactly as you hoped it would be!

*every year, I go to Center Parcs with 7 other female rellies for a weekend of bubbly, bubbles (hot tub), catching up, chilling out and general stupidity...bloody brilliant!

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